October 18 On the protest rally allegedly devoted to the environmental pollution of Yerevan there were made appeals about joining the Nagorni Karabakh Autonomous Republic (NKAR) to Armenia and collected signatures for it.
October 19 In October 1987, under pressure of the Armenian lobby, Heydar Aliyev was dismissed from membership of the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee and the post of 1st Vice-President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
November 18 In an interview with «L` Humanite », in Paris, the economic advisor to General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev Abel Aganbegyan expressed the opinion that the joining of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, from an economic point of view, is more profitable, and that a special commission works on this issue.
December 1 Members of the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh submitted an appeal to the CPSU Central Committee for the withdrawal of the NKAR from Azerbaijan and its transfer to Armenia.

January 8 Members of the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh, presented to the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR P.Demichev another appeal and collected signatures of the citizens regarding the withdrawal of the NKAR from Azerbaijan and its transfer to Armenia.
January 25 As a result of Armenian attacks on Azerbaijan villages first several hundreds of refugees expelled from Kafan and Meghri districts of the Armenian SSR began to arrive to Azerbaijan.
February 8 In Khankendi starts a new company on collecting signatures demanding the transfer Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan to the Armenian SSR.
February 12 In Khankendi took place the first meeting, organized by the secretly acting in the NKAR separatist organization "Krung" ("Crane"), demanding to join Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.
February 18 One of the most active representatives of the Armenian lobby in the Kremlin, Georgy Shakhnazarov, was appointed as the Assistant of the General Secretary of the CPSU CC Mikhail Gorbachev.
The second secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan V.Konovalov, at the meeting of the Party Committee of NKAR, declared the leaders of the "Krung" as organizers of rallies and raised the issue on their arrest. The number of Azerbaijani refugees forcibly had fled Armenia, reached 4 thousand people.
February 19 At the enlarged meeting of the Bureau of the Party Committee of the NKAR, it was stated that the reason for holding rallies were the socio-economic problems created by Azerbaijan. It was decided to send the decision of the Bureau to Moscow and invite a delegation from there.
Meeting was held in Yerevan, where the anti-turkic calls and chauvinistic slogans: "Clear Armenia from the Turks!", "Only Armenians must live in Armenia!" were heard.
February 20 In Hankendi held an extraordinary session of the Council of People's Deputies of the region. The session appealed to the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan and Armenia with the request that they treat with understanding the decision to withdraw the NKAR from Azerbaijan SSR and transfer it to Armenian SSR. It was also applied to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the positive solution of this issue.
February 21 The Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee discussed the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and instructed the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan and Armenia to normalize the situation. In Yerevan, the Armenians have destroyed the last survived mosque.
February 22 In Khankendi, at the meeting of activists of the regional party organization, the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee G.Razumovsky said that the requirements to revise the existing national-territorial structure damage interethnic relations. If no action is taken, irretrievable consequences May occur.
February 22-23 In Baku and Sumgait were the first meetings under the slogans "NKAR is an integral part of Azerbaijan."
February 23 Plenum of the Party Committee of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast removed Boris Gevorkov from his post as the first secretary of the Party Committee and notorious nationalist Henry Pogosyan was elected instead.
February 24 The Nagorno-Karabakh problem had been discussed at meetings held by the party activists of the Republics in Baku and Yerevan.
On the road Khankendi-Agdam during a demonstration the clash between residents of Agdam and Askeran took place. 2 young Azerbaijanis were killed, 19 people wounded.
Leaders of the “Karabakh” Committee Silva Kaputikyan and Zori Balayan who instigated the Armenian separatizm in Yerevan and NKAR, had almost three-hour talks with a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Secretary Alexander Yakovlev in Moscow.
February 25 General Secretary of the CPSU, M.Gorbachev received Silva Kaputikyan and Zori Balayan, accompanied by the head of the Armenian lobby in the Kremlin, Assistant of the Secretary General, Karen Shakhnazarov and Secretary of the CPSU of Alexander Yakovlev. During one and a half an hour they presented M.Gorbachev fake maps and historical backgrounds, trying to convince him that it’s impossible to leave Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan.
Speech of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee V.Dolgikh on Armenian television, where he spoke about the review of the Karabakh issue in the Kremlin, encouraged the Armenian separatists even more.
February 26 General Secretary of the CPSU M.Gorbachev appealed on television to the people and workers of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
The first deputy head of the department of international relations of the Central Committee of the CPSU Karen Brutents arrived in Baku. He talked about the inadmissibility of changing the borders between Union republics.
February 27 The first deputy head of the department of international relations of the Central Committee of the CPSU Karen Brutents arrived in Khankendi, met with Armenian separatists and gave them secret instructions.
In Khankendi all enterprises have stopped their work. "We do not want no bread, no water, we need only a mother - Armenia", "With Azerbaijan - never!" – rallies were held under such slogans.
February 28 After the rally, carried out in protest against the violence towards Azerbaijanis in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, riots took place in Sumgait with participation of the Armenian extremists. 26 Armenians and 6 Azerbaijanis were killed. The investigation has established that one of the organizers of the riots was an Armenian Eduard Grigorian who brutally killed 5 Armenians.
March 1 After the riots that occurred in Sumgait, some Armenians had left the city for Khankendi.
March 2 New stream of Azeri refugees. A lot of families evicted from the villages in Armenia arrived in Zangelan and nearby regions of Azerbaijan.
A monument to Armenians perished in Sumgait prepared in advance was set in Khankendi.
March 6 At an expanded meeting of the Bureau of the Party Committee of the NKAR it is decided to rename the NKAR to Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and to apply to the Central Committee in order approve the name.
March 9 At the meeting in the CPSU Central Committee reports of the party leaders of both republics are heard.
March 10 Five Azerbaijanis were killed as a result of attack on the Armenian village Mehmandar of Zangibasar (Masisk) region of the Armenian SSR.
March 17 Plenum of the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party held a discussion on accession of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.
March 22 Article "Emotions and reason" printed in “Pravda” on March, 21 caused the strike in Armenia.
March 23 Issues related to the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan SSR and Armenian SSR had been discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. The decision adopted by the Presidium stated that attempts to change the national-territorial division, by pressure on the authorities tolerated are not admissible.
March 24 CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers adopted a joint resolution "On measures to accelerate socio-economic development of the Nagorno-Karabakh of Azerbaijan SSR in 1983-1995 years".
By decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR the activity of the separatist organization "Krung" is prohibited, it is accused of inciting hatred among peoples. On the same day the Executive Committee of Khankendi officially recognized the organization "Krung" as a the Committee uniting Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.
April 8 As a result of Armenian attack on the village Sarvanly of the Zangibasar (Masisk) region of the Armenian SSR, three residents of the village were seriously injured
April 24 By decision of the Executive Committee of the City Khankendi for the first time the day of invented "Armenian genocide" had been officially observed.
The 1st decade of May Thousand refugees arrived in Azerbaijan.
May 3 Armenian separatists raised the flag of the Armenian SSR in the village of Tuk NKAR, which led to unrest.
May 11 Armenians attacked Shirazly village of the Vedi (Ararat) region. As a result of the attack two people were killed and dozens wounded, as well as houses were burned down. The population of the village was placed in tents on the Soviet- Turkish border.
After Armenian attack on the secondary school named after M.F.Akhundov in Yerevan, the work at the school is suspended.
Demonstrations against the election of an Azerbaijani as a deputy of the regional prosecutor of the Nagorno-Karabakh.
May 13 Armenians attacked block of houses in Khankendi where Azerbaijanis lived. Injured 6 people.
May 16 In Khankendi Armenian students and teachers did not allowed Azerbaijani students to enter the building of the Pedagogical Institute.
May 18 In Baku at the Azadliq square (formerly the square named after V.I.Lenin) a rally in protest against the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia was held.
May 21 On the advice of the pro-Armenian Kremlin, Abdurrahman Vezirov elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party.
Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Y.Ligachev stated it inadmissible to join Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia ..
At the session of the Council of People's Deputies of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region there was adopted an appeal to the USSR Supreme Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
May 22 Soviet on the temporary withdrawal of the NKAR from Azerbaijan, which was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR.
Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Y.K.Ligachev, while in Baku, said that the question of Nagorno-Karabakh is resolved and is not negotiable. This statement was followed by the third wave of strikes in Khankendi.
The 1st decade of June New stream of refugees arrived in Azerbaijan. During few days almost two thousand people came from Armenia. In Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijanis were not admitted to their jobs. They were asked to leave the region.
June 11 In Baku, in the settlement called Vorovsky, Armenian terrorists Alexander Aghabekyan, who had arrived from Krasnodar, killed police sergeant Fazil Ismayilov using firearms.
June 14 According to the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee another to four thousand refugees arrived in the republic.
June 15 The Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR decided to give a positive response to the request of the Council of People's Deputies of NKAR regarding output of the region from the Azerbaijan SSR and its entry into the Armenian SSR.
June 17 The Supreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR declared illegal the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR made on June 15.
June 19-20 Armenians attacked the villages Zahmet, Zengiler, Demirchi, Dostlug, Nizami, Sarvanlar of the Zangibasars (Masisk) region. The population had to take refuge at the Soviet-Turkish border.
The 3rd decade of June The difficult situation in Armenia caused a new flow of refugees, who had to be accommodated in tent cities.
July 4 The Executive Committee of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region adopted the decision prohibiting the Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia to be accommodated in Shusha and the surrounding villages.
July 9 By the order of the first secretary of the Azerbaijan Communist Party Abdurrahman Vezirov Azerbaijani refugees placed in Shusha and other settlements of the NKAR have been withdrawn from the territory of the Autonomous Republic and sent to other regions.
July 12 Session of the Council of People's Deputies of the NKAR decided to withdraw the autonomous region from the Azerbaijan SSR.
July 13 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR declared illegal the decision of the session of the Council of People's Deputies of the NKAR dated July 12, 1988.
July 18 The issue “About decisions of the Supreme Councils of the Armenian SSR and Azerbaijan SSR regarding Nagorno-Karabakh was discussed at the enlarged meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. It was considered impossible to change the existing borders and the national- territorial division.
July 19 Once again, the session of the Council of People's Deputies of the NKAR adopted the unconstitutional decision to withdraw the NKAR from Azerbaijan.
July 21 Armenians attacked Azerbaijanis living in the regional center Kalinino, 86- year-old Magomed Sadigov was killed, and several people were injured.
July 26 Joint meeting of the CPSU Central Committee and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet discussed the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet dated July, 18. It was decided to send a representative of the USSR Supreme Soviet, a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, head of the department of the CPSU Central Committee Arkady Volsky to the NKAR with special powers.
August 20 At the rally, held in the town square in Khankendi it was demanded to withdraw Azerbaijani refugees came from Armenia from the region.
August 24 Once again, the session of the NKAR Council of People's Deputies has defended the decision to withdraw the NKAR from administrative subordination of Azerbaijan and transfer it to the subordination of Armenia.
September 3 Karkidzhahan - Azerbaijani region of Khankendi was fired by hunting rifles. Distributed leaflets ran as follows: "The Azeris! You have no place in Artsakh land! "..
September 8 Another strike in Khankendi caused by the attempt of the Republican prosecutors to begin investigation regarding the large amount fraud of the customers’ bureau of civil service.
September 12 Crowd in Stepanokert attacked regional prosecutor’s office, required to release all persons detained during the last days, tried to deal with workers of the public prosecutor’s office, which had to left the building under the guard of troops
September 18 After the rally in Khankendi, 3-5 thousand Armenians attacked the Azerbaijani town Khojaly. As a result of shooting one man dead, several injured.
September 18-23 In Hankendi Armenians attacked the Azerbaijani apartments, 42 houses burned. 16 thousand of Azeri population fled the town, majority of them had to flee to Shusha.
September 21 Specific situation and curfew were put in force on the territory of the NKAR and Agdam.
October 1 M.Gorbachev was elected the chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet.
October 4 Deputy commission of the National Council of the USSR Supreme Soviet, headed by Chairman A.Voss, visited the NKAR to study the situation.
November 16 In the village Topkhana, near Shusha, Armenians illegally felled timber and began construction of a workshop for the Kanakert aluminum smelter and rest homes.
November 17 A popular movement began in Azerbaijan. (Currently, November,17 is celebrated as an official state holiday - Day of National Revival).
Five hundred thousandth protest rally against the illegal construction in Tophane took place on the Azadliq square in Baku.
November 18 –
December 5
A protest rally against the hypocritical attitude of the USSR leadership regarding the NKAR issue and the deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia took place on the Azadliq square in Baku.
November 22 Due to the attack of the rally participants in Yerevan at the opera house, where the session of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR had being held, the work of the session was suspended. The regional governments of the republic were entrusted to clean Armenia from the Azerbaijanis.
November 23 Illegal construction in Tophana had been stopped.
November 24 Special situation regime and curfew were put into force in Baku, towns of Nakhichevan and Kirovabad (Gandja).
November 26-27 Armenians attack the village Vartanly (Shaumyan), adjacent to the city of Kirovakan; 14 Azerbaijanis massacred and burned. The survived population got to Azerbaijan within two weeks of extreme cold, through the mountains and forests.
November 28 3 people killed and 7 wounded as the result of Armenian attack from the Spitak region on the vehicle escort, sent to Azerbaijan from the villages Gursaly and Saral of the Gugark district.
December 5 Rally participants on the Azadlig square were withdrawn by the troops. Three people were killed in the result of the clush.
December 6-7 M.Gorbachev, who arrived in New York to attend the 43rd session of the UN, met with representatives of the Armenian lobby. Armenians gave M.Gorbachev an ancient Christian manuscript, I.Aivazovsky’s painting, jewels that once belonged to English kings, and Raisa Gorbacheva - a precious bracelet. Also the precious tray, made in the "Shebeke” style and six cup holders were presented to N.Ryzhkov who held the post of chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers only for three months.
December 7 Earthquake in Armenia. After the earthquake a large quantity of ammunition under the guise of humanitarian aid from abroad delivered in Armenia, and then transported in various ways to Nagorno-Karabakh and used against the Azerbaijanis.
December 8 SInterrupting his visit to New York, General Secretary of the CPSU, M.Gorbachev arrived in Armenia, in the earthquake zone. At a rally held in Yerevan, the Armenians did not require humanitarian assistance; they demanded unification of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia.
December 11 Azerbaijan Republican military commissariat and the Civil Defense Headquarter mobilized and sent to Gyumri (Leninakan) an aircraft IL-76 to help victims of the earthquake. The aircraft was deliberately shot down near the city of Gyumri. There were 69 passengers and 9 crew members in the plane. Only one person survived. Reasons of the accident have not been investigated.
The 2nd decade
of December
Many Azerbaijani refugees, deported from Armenia, came to Azerbaijan walking through the snowy mountain passes. Helicopters of civil aviation were involved in rescue process. According to the Statistical Committee 165 thousand refugees arrived in Azerbaijan from the Armenian SSR.
December 15 The CPSU Central Committee adopted a decision “On illegal actions of some officials of the Azerbaijan SSR and Armenian SSR”. Armenians who earlier left Baku came back en masse.

January 12 Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a decree applying a special form of governance to the NKAR of the Azerbaijan SSR. Under the leadership of pro-Armenian Arkady Volsky there was created a Special Administrative Committee, which is directly subordinated to Moscow. The committee was composed of 5 Russians, 2 Armenians and 1 Azerbaijani.
January 28 A.Volsky discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh issue in Armenia.
April 2 Under the leadership of the Russian deputy Galina Starovoitova 40 people arrived in Khankendi from Armenia to conduct anti-Azerbaijani propaganda.
April 19 A demonstration held in Baku as a response to the news about relocation of tens of thousands of Armenians to Khankendi due to the Spitak earthquake.
April 20 The USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a resolution on assistance to the Azerbaijanis and Armenians who have temporarily left places of their permanent residence.
April 27 The Azerbaijan Council of Ministers adopted a resolution on the deployment of refugees from Armenia in the Altyagach-Khizi region of Absheron district.
The 1st decade
of May
Armenians staged a strike in Khankendi as a response to the creation of industrial facilities in Azerbaijani villages of the NKAR employment of dislocated workers-Azerbaijanis.
May 5 Arrested members of "Karabakh Committee" have been released in Yerevan. The newspaper "Soviet Karabakh" published an open letter addressed to the General Secretary of the CPSU M.Gorbachev, and a special edition was released which contained offensive remarks to the Azerbaijan authorities and threat of riots, in the case of remaining the NKAR within the Azerbaijan SSR.
May 6 By the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers enterprises in Nagorno- Karabakh had been withdrawn from the authority of the Azerbaijan SSR.
May 18 At the session of the Khankendi City Council there was adopted an appeal to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR on the Elimination of the special governance form in the region and approval of the Decree dated February, 20, 1988 about joining the NKAR to the Armenian SSR.
May 19 The issue of Nagorno-Karabakh had been discussed at the meeting of the Commission on Ethnic Relations of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.
May 25 At the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, it was decided to establish a Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Nagorno-Karabakh.
May 31 At the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, it was decided to establish aт Commission on investigation of the incident happened on April 9, 1989 in Tbilisi, where in a clash with security forces 9 people killed. (Note: However, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has not taken a similar decision regarding the bloody events of January 20, 1990 in Baku, when more than 100 unarmed civilians were killed).
June 1 The USSR Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR Ayaz Mutallibov said not a word of the territorial claims of Armenia and the rising Armenian separatism in Nagorno-Karabakh during his speech at the Congress of People's Deputies.
June 8-9 In a meeting of "Karabakh Movement" held in Khankendi, it was decided not to obey the republican authorities and central government, as well as to carry out acts of sabotage.
from June 13
In consequence of pro-Armenian position of the Special Committee the blockade of Azerbaijani settlements began in the NKAR.
June 28 As a result of an explosive device planted by the Armenians in the road between the villages Badara and Meshalik 6 Azerbaijani civilians were seriously wounded.
July 7 Kerkidzhahan village located near Khankendi was subjected to fire at night. Due to internal opposition forces the confrontation was halted.
July 8 Under the leadership of Robert Kocharian, who later became the President of the Republic of Armenia, in Hakendi there was held founding conference "The Armenian national movement of Artsakh – Miatsun” (association).
July 10 In several places Armenians blocked the road Aghdam-Shusha by concrete blocks and telegraph poles. When cleaning up the road a group of Armenians living in Khankendi attacked the militaries, opened fire and wounded 19 soldiers. In response, the Kerkidzhahan villagers blocked the road to Khankendi.
July 11 3 Azerbaijanis are attacked in Khankendi, as a result, two of them were killed, and one - badly wounded.
July 20 – July 20 The committee of the USSR Supreme Soviet on the NKAO issue has been working in the region.
July 22 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR adopted a statement in protest to the resolution of the U.S. Senate dated June 19 supporting Armenians.
July 26 Extraordinary Session of the Council of People's Deputies of the former Shaumyan (rural) district took an illegal decision on joining the district to Nagorno-Karabakh.
July 29 Because of the Armenian attacks railway traffic from Azerbaijan to Armenia had been suspended. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic occurred in blockade.
July 29 – August 6 The Popular Front of Azerbaijan organized meetings in Baku and required to eliminate the Special Administrative Committee in the NKAR and restore here Azerbaijan's sovereign rights.
July 31 13 vehicles carrying out weapons under construction materials from Gorus (Armenian SSR) to Khankendi had been stopped on the territory of Lachin district. The confrontation resulted in injuring 7 Azerbaijanis and several Armenian drivers, as well as 1 soldier.
August 1 An armed clash took place on the border of the Ararat region (former Vedi) of Armenia and Sharur district (former Ilichesvky) of Azerbaijan, near the village of Kerki.
August 16 "Congress of authorized representatives of the NKAR population” was held in Khankendi. At the Congress the NKAR was declared an independent Union Territory. Authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh had been illegally appropriated by "the People's Council".
August 20 BY the resolution of the National Council of NKAR all Armenians aged from 17 to 50 years were included into the units of "national defense" ..
August 25 By the order of the USSR Minister of Communications subordination of the communication system of Nagorno-Karabakh to the Leningrad regional management communication was terminated.
August 27 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR declared illegal the resolution adopted by the "Congress of authorized representatives of the NKAR population " on August 16, 1989.
September 2 Meeting of the Bureau members and candidates for the Bureau of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan and Armenia was held in the CPSU Central Committee.
The 1st decade
of September
The decision made by the "Congress of authorized representatives of the NKAR population" has led to increased tension in Baku. Rallies and strikes began in the city.
September 9 At a meeting held in Baku, it was required to dissolve the Special Administrative Committee of the NKAR and restore the Azerbaijan's sovereign rights over its entire territory.
September 15 At the extraordinary session of the USSR Supreme Soviet it was decided to prepare draft resolutions on the elimination of the Special Administrative Committee of the NKAR and economic independence.
September 16 As a result of Armenian terrorist acts 5 people died, 25 - were injured on the shuttle bus Tbilisi - Baku.
September 18 A clash took place between the local population and soldiers who arrived to clear the roads near the city of Agdam. The situation was aggravated by the fact that military used weapons against unarmed civilians.
September 20 From the territory of Armenian Basarkecher district Armenians planted an explosive device and carried out explosion on the territory of the Ganja geological exploration detachment, located in Soyudli field of the Kelbajar district of Azerbaijan. As a result - 1 person was injured, 4 houses were burned and all the equipment - destroyed.
September 22 Employees of the Khankendi electrical plant attacked cars belonging to Azerbaijanis and moving along the route Aghdam-Shusha.
September 23 The Constitutional Law “On the sovereignty of Azerbaijan SSR” was adopted at the extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan Republic.
The last decade
of September
Attacks on trains passing the territory Armenia have led to strikes of the Azerbaijani railway workers, resulting in the suspended delivery of goods to Armenia.
October 3 Famous writer Anar Rzayev speakers at the session of the Supreme Soviet condemned the Kremlin's supervisory position with respect to territorial claims by Armenia against Azerbaijan.
October 5 Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR officially registered the People's Front of Azerbaijan.
October 6 Railway connection between Azerbaijan and Armenia had been restored.
October 7 Halfalichay bridge connecting Shusha and Agdam had been blown up at night. Shusha region actually occurred in the blockade. The Armenian who committed the crime has been arrested.
October 16 Two residents of the village Kerkidzhahan were killed by Armenians while returning home
October 19 Near the village Arafsa of Julfa region of Azerbaijan local residents G.Bayramov and I.Gafarov were killed.
The 2nd decade
of October
Armenians have blocked the roads leading to the Shusha region inhabited by Azerbaijanis.
November 14 Near the village Seytash of the Gubadly district of Azerbaijan villager Babashev was killed and a juvenile H.Aliyev - wounded.
November 17 In the village Tuk of the Gadrud district the 9 grade student T.Suleimanov was killed.
The 2nd decade
of November
Attacks on Azerbaijan trains on the territory of Armenia have been resumed. As a result, rail traffic to Armenia was blocked.
November 24 Three inhabitants of the village Garadagly were killed.
November 28 The USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a decree on measures normalizing the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. It was decided to dissolve the Special Administartive Committee of NKAR and restore activities of the Regional Council of People's Deputies, as well as to establish the Republican Organizing Committee for the NKAR in Azerbaijan.
November 29 The inhabitants of the Gubatly district of Azerbaijan G.Alasgarov, T. Gumbataliev and I.Mekhtiyev were killed by Armenians.
December 1 Armenian SSR Supreme Soviet adopted the anti-constitutional decision “On the accession of Nagorno-Karabakh to the Armenian SSR". Armenian flag was raised in Khankendi, organizations and enterprises of the Autonomous region were completely subordinated to Armenia.
The 1st and the 2nd
decade of December
Numerous attacks from territory of Armenia on boundary villages of Azerbaijan have been registered. The gangster groups brought from Armenia have been placed in Hanlar and Shaumyan rural areas of Azerbaijan.
December 4 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR adopted the decree "On measures to normalize the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region of Azerbaijan SSR”.
December 6 By the decision of Presidium of the Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet the Republican organizing committee had been created under the direction of the 2nd secretary of Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party Victor Poljanichko.
December 7 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR considered the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR date December 1, 1989 as unacceptable interference in the sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR and the assault on its territorial integrity.
December 14 Villages Sadarak, Gunnut and Havush of the Sharur district of Azerbaijan were subjected to heavy fire from the Armenians.
December 31 As a protest to the Moscow's biased position toward Azerbaijan and refusal to simplify the border regime, 137 km of the Soviet-Iranian border on the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, from Ordubad to Sadarak, was destroyed (now December 31 is celebrated as an official state holiday in Azerbaijan – “The Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the world").

January 2 On the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian extremists have hurled stones and fired at a convoy carrying recruits of the police school. One Armenian was killed by the return fire of cadets.
January 4 Armenian terrorists blew up a bridge linking Askeran with Agdam.
January 8 Meeting with participation of the Secretary of the CPSU A.Girenko and chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR R.Nishanov was held in the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Party.
January 9 The Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A.Girenko and the chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR R.Nishanov went to Khankendi. However, the Armenians blocked the road from the airport and fired internal troops, three Armenian attackers were wounded by the returned fire. A.Girenko and R.Nishanov had to return to Baku from the airport. The Armenians called this event "great victory of the people."
Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR, having considered the plan and budget issues for 1990, included the plan of social-economic development of Nagorno-Karabakh, Shahumian rural area and village Chaykendi of Khanlar district within the scope of its activities.
January 10 The chairman of the kolkhoz in village Garadagly S.Bayramov was killed. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the following decrees: "On the rough violation of the law on state border of the USSR on the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”, "On non-compliance of acts adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR about Nagorno-Karabakh from December 1, 1989 and January 9, 1990 with the constitution of the USSR" and "On the absence of legal force of the decree adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR on December 4, 1989 "On measures to normalize the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region of Azerbaijan SSR”.
January 11 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR considered decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR on January 9, 1990 as a gross violation of the sovereignty of the republic and sabotage against the restructuring.
January 12 The radical wing of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan created a Council of National Defense which had organized units of self-defense in Baku. An armed bandit group consisted of 500 men arrived from Armenia in 20 helicopters and attacked the village Gushchu of Khanlar district. Dozens of civilians were wounded and killed.
January 13-14 In response to the murder of two Azerbaijanis by an Armenian clashes took place in Baku. The 12 thousandth armed faction of the Soviet Interior Ministry located in Baku at the moment passively watched these events.
January 14 The first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Abdurahman Vezirov sent to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR compiled on behalf of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR falsified decree declaring a state of emergency in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and, if necessary, in areas adjacent to it, as well as in border areas, and providing the necessary assistance from the center.
January 15 Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet M.Gorbachev signed a decree declaring an emergency situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and some other areas. "Supreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR was asked to take the necessary measures, including curfews in the cities of Baku, Ganja and other settlements.
A candidate member of Politburo, Chairman of the Council of the Union of the USSR Supreme Soviet Y.M.Primakov, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A.N.Girenko and deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers V.H.Doguzhiev arrived in Baku.
Separatist organizations "Karabakh" and "Krung", united in the "Armenian National Movement", expanded the violence, terror and military operations against Azerbaijan.
January 15-17 Government of the USSR concentrated the armed forces of the various contingents and heavy military equipment in the neighborhood of Baku. The military commandant of Baku without any necessity began evacuation of the Russian population and families of troops from Azerbaijan. At the initiative of the detachments of National Defense at the entrance to the city and surrounding parts of the Baku garrison barricades of cars were built and pickets organized. 26 large obstacles were created on the roads. Roads to 34 of the existing 60 military units in the city were blocked.
January 17 Mass rally began in front of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Party and general strike was declared. Demands were: to cease the territorial claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan, send the imperial troops concentrated around Baku to Nagorno-Karabakh and the border areas of Azerbaijan undergoing Armenian attacks.
The chairman of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Y.Primakov and the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A.Girenko met with the leaders of the liberal and radical wings of the Popular Front and the community of refugees in Azerbaijan.
January 18 As protest to the biased position of Moscow towards Azerbaijan frontier of the Soviet-Iranian border on the territories of Bilasuvar and Jalilabad regions was destroyed.
Assisted by the 7th Army of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Armenians captured village Kerki of Sharur district of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.
January 19 Respublika rəhbərliyinin istefası tələbi ilə Azərbaycan KP MK-nın binası qarşısında mitinqlər davam etmişdir. Moskvanın Bakıya göndərdiyi nüMay əndələr – SSRİ Ali Soveti İttifaq sovetinin sədri Y.Primakov və Sov.İKP MK katibi A.Girenko mitinqin təşkilatçıları ilə görüşlərində qoşunların şəhərə girməyəcəyi barədə vədlər verdilər.
Azərbaycan SSR və Naxçıvan MSSR Ali qanunvericilik orqanlarının İttifaq orqanlarına dəfələrlə edilən müraciətlərinin nəticəsiz qalmasına, Ermənistan SSR tərəfindən edilən təcavüz nəticəsində Muxtar Respublikanın ərazi bütövlüyünün və vətəndaşlarının həyatının təhlükə qarşısında qalmasına, Qars müqaviləsinin şərtlərinin kobud surətdə pozulmasına etiraz əlaməti olaraq Naxçıvan MSSR Ali Sovetinin fövqəladə sessiyası Naxçıvan MSSR-in SSRİ-nin tərkibindən çıxaraq özünü müstəqil respublika elan etməsi haqqında qərar qəbul etmişdir. Həmin gün Ermənistanın Ararat (Vedi) rayonu ərazisindən Sədərək kəndi atəşə tutulmuş, 8 nəfər, o cümlədən 2 azyaşlı uşaq həlak olmuşdur.
Saat 19:27 dəqiqədə Azərbaycan televiziyasının enerji bloku partladılmışdır. Məqsəd fövqəladə vəziyyət rejiminin tətbiq edilməsi haqqında fərmanın əhaliyə çatdırılmasının qarşısını almaqdan və qırğınların miqyasının daha böyük olmasına rəvac verməkdən ibarət idi. Yalnız “Azadlıq” radiosu vasitəsilə dünya birliyi sovet qoşunlarının Bakıda törətdiyi vəhşiliklər barədə məlumat ala bilmişdi.
January 19 Continuing rallies in front of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Party demanded resignation of the republic government. Representatives sent by Moscow, the chairman of the Union of the USSR Supreme Soviet Y.Primakov and the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A.Girenko met with the rally organizers and promised not to introduce troops into the city.
As protest to the ineffectiveness of the repeated appeals made by legislative organs of the Azerbaijan SSR and Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic to the union agencies, the continued threat to the territorial integrity and life of the citizens of the Autonomous Republic in the result of Armenian aggression, as well as gross violations of the Kars Treaty, the extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Nakhichevan ASSR adopted a resolution on the withdrawal of Nakhichevan ASSR from the USSR and the declaration of independence.
At 19.27 powers unit of the Azerbaijan television has been blown up.
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR without the consent of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR adopted a decree “On introduction of the state of emergency in Baku” from 00.00 on January 20.
Starting from 21.00 under the leadership of the USSR Defense Minister Dmitri Yazov, the Soviet forces entered the city from different directions, destroying the barricades and firing unarmed inhabitants by heavy military vehicles and various types of weapons.
January 20 Troops of the Ministry of Defense, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR entered Baku and carried out a ruthless massacre of the civilian population.
Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet about the introduction of the state of emergency in Baku starting from 00.00 was announced on the radio at 7.00 am. More than 100 civilians killed and hundreds wounded before that announcement.
The first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Abdurahman Vezirov secretly visited the military headquarters of the USSR Ministry of Defense in Baku on the night of the 20th of January and led military operations along with Dmitry Yazov.
January 21 Heydar Aliyev with his family members visited the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan in Moscow, and speaking at a crowded meeting, announced that the tragedy was caused by Moscow and the Azerbaijani leadership. Abdurahman Vezirov flew to Moscow on military aircraft in order to ensure his personal safety.
January 22 A memorial meeting in connection with the funeral of the victims of January 20 was held at the Freedom Square in Baku. Three days of mourning was declared in the republic. The burial ceremony, held at the Highland Park – the Alley of Martyrs, was attended by about 2 million people.
At the request of the people and the group of deputies there was held an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR. There was adopted a resolution to suspend the decree of the Presidium of the USSR
Supreme Soviet from January 19 about the state of emergency in Baku, withdrawal of army units and establishment of the parliamentary commission to identify the organizers and perpetrators of the massacre.
In connection with an unprecedented crime against civilian population in Baku and throughout Azerbaijan the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR adopted an appeal to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics, peoples of the Soviet Union, parliaments of all countries in the world, the United Nations Organization.
January 24-25 Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party of Azerbaijan SSR chose the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR Ayaz Mutallibov for the post of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Azerbaijan. Candidate member of Politburo, Chairman of the Council of the USSR Union Supreme Soviet Y.Primakov and the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A.Girenko spoke at the plenum.
At the plenum, there was formed a commission to identify the reasons for imposing a state of emergency on January 19-20 in Baku. However, the Commission has not completed its work and in fact served for the concealment of the crimes committed.
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR adopted a resolution on the appointment of Hasan Hasanov as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR.
January 25-26 Soviet troops were introduced into areas where no emergency was declared - January 25 in Neftchala and a day later - in Lankaran. As a result, 8 persons were killed and many people were injured.
January 27 Supreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR adopted a decree on non-compliance of the resolution adopted by the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic on January 19, 1990 to the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR.
January 31 In order to prevent the possibility of a press conference in the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan in Moscow aiming to disclose to the world community the facts of atrocities committed in Azerbaijan, the Soviet power structures organized attack on the Permanent Mission and arrest of the event organizers.